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1846 E. Innovation Park Dr. STE 100, Oro Valley, AZ 85755 | 602-412-4980
by Registered Agent Services, LLC.

About Your North Carolina Registered Agent

Okay, here’s the scoop about finding a registered agent in North Carolina.

Explain it to me; what is a registered agent?

A registered agent, otherwise called a statutory agent, is an individual with a physical presence in North Carolina who is responsible for receiving legal notices for your business. Your registered agent must be available and present during standard business hours.

What are the functions of a normal North Carolina registered agent?

A statutory agent in North Carolina provides a legal address where a person is available during standard business hours. The registered agent is responsible to accept legal documents and service of process for your company and then send this paperwork on to your business. In addition, your North Carolina registered agent will prompt you of important filing cutoff dates like annual report forms and other renewals. A North Carolina registered agent can also check to verify your company is compliant with North Carolina business codes.

How can having a registered agent assist my company?

Most importantly, designating a registered agent keeps your business in compliance with state law. On top of that, we accept delivery of and scan any service of process, legal notice, letter, or annual report received into your online account locally here in North Carolina. You receive instant notification of any notices scanned into your North Carolina resident agent client account.

As an added service, we also keep track of your State annual report due date and forward you reminders with do-it-yourself links to file your report before your due date with the North Carolina Secretary of State.

Can I get in trouble if I don’t have or fail to maintain a registered agent for my business?

Yes, there can be ramifications for not maintaining your North Carolina registered agent. Penalties may or may not be assessed. The State of North Carolina may revoke your LLC or corporate legal status if you fail to maintain your registered agent in North Carolina.